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Second Time Around

Eighteen years ago, Paul and I decided to travel for a year. We got a one way ticket to Amsterdam and landed right smack in the middle of a sea of orange. It was Queen's day.

With no accommodation booked, we were just lucky to get a room. It was a different way of travelling then. You book hotels and places just by showing up or by phone. You figure out where you go by lugging a more than an inch thick Lonely Planet book around. Most of the websites were very simple HTML pages.

I still haven't counted the number of countries we've been to... We travelled for more than a year. Below, the countries that we've visited over the years are in blue. Hoping to add to that and to our understanding of the world.

This time around, we're just travelling for six months. We got laptops and one phone. (You probably know that Paul's still a phone luddite :-). Our backpacks have wheels!! :-)

I've been trying to figure out how to keep in touch - whether facebook, twitter, instagram. Some countries block certain websites. For now, we'll do it old style - via blogging. :-) So check this site out once in a while when you're bored!

"Love long and prosper." -- Spock



©2018 by Patricia Li.

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